Geo Sign 1.0 (Sign Generator Blender Addon)
(本Addon介面與幾何節點操控介面有中英文雙語翻譯 以及中文版使用介紹 Document)
What is GeoSign?
Create Various Signs Effortlessly, No Complex Steps Needed.
Key Features 主要特點
One-Click Access to Sign Text Assets 一鍵使用招牌文字素材庫
Unlock a Library of 1000+ Sign Text Assets, Applied with a Click! Swiftly create countless sign variations within seconds.
(More assets coming soon! 未來更新會加入更多!)
Animated Signage Made Easy 輕鬆創建動畫招牌
The included Neon Shader supports animation effects.
Media to Screen 圖片/影片 一鍵轉換成螢幕
Transform images/videos/GIFs into screen signs with animations in just one click.
將圖像/影片/GIF 轉換為帶有動畫效果的屏幕招牌,只需點擊一下。
Text Tool 文字製作工具
Craft Custom Sign Text Within Seconds with Just a Few Clicks!
Draw Curve 繪製曲線
Swiftly Create Any Neon-Light Shape You Desire Through Drawing!
Some artworks created using GeoSign
GeoSign can create a variety of sign styles and designs you need.
Compatibility 兼容性
- This addon is compatible with Blender 3.4 and above, including 3.5 and 3.6.
- 本插件與Blender 3.4及更高版本兼容,包括3.5和3.6。
- Shader can be used in both Cycles and Eevee, but it's recommended to use Cycles for optimal results, as Eevee's inherent limitations may hinder complete performance.
- Shader可以在Cycles和Eevee中使用,但出於最佳效果考慮,建議在Cycles中使用,因為Eevee的固有限制可能影響完整的性能。
Here are some things you need to know
before making a purchase.
- Content showcased in the videos is rendered using Cycles.
- 在影片中展示的內容是使用Cycles渲染的。
- If you are using the Eevee renderer, some material effects might not be fully displayed, but other features are generally unaffected.
- 如果您使用Eevee渲染器,一些材質效果可能無法完全顯示,但其他功能通常不受影響。
- Text assets in the Library are created using free Google fonts and converted into Curve Objects.
- 素材庫中的文字素材使用免費的Google字體創建並轉換為曲線物體。
- Fonts used in showcased videos/images are not included with this product.
- 在展示的影片/圖像中使用的字體未包含在此產品中。
- When typing Chinese characters, if you encounter input issues, try typing elsewhere and then copying and pasting into Blender. (This is a limitation of Blender, not the addon.)
- 在輸入中文字符時,如果遇到輸入問題,請嘗試在其他地方輸入,然後複製並粘貼到Blender中。(這是Blender的限制,而不是插件1本身的問題。)
License: This product primarily uses a Royalty-Free license.
You can use this product for personal or commercial projects an unlimited number of times.
However, you may not resell, redistribute, or repackage the purchased product without the explicit permission of the original creator.
Each purchase only allows one person to access the product. If you are a team or company, please contact us via email, and we can offer a discount for bulk purchases.
Geo Sign Addon